Storm Water Management
New federal stormwater management regulations require Ephrata Township and others in “urbanized areas” across Pennsylvania to apply for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to discharge stormwater from our Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). Under the new regulations, Ephrata Township will now manage the quality as well as the quantity of storm water runoff generated within the Township. The purpose of the new regulation is to reduce waterway pollution from contaminants carried by stormwater runoff. Every property owner in the Township can help to reduce the amount of pollution entering our waterways. The Lancaster County Consevation District has produced a pamphlet that property owners can use to development and impelment a storm water management plan for their property. Click on the links below for information on how you can do your part.
On May 6, 2014, the Ephrata Township Board of Supervisors adopted a new Storm Water Management Ordinance. To view the new Ordinance, Appendices, Application Forms and Minor Storm Water Permit Options, please click on the tabs below.
For more information on stormwater management, please go to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s website.
Information for the General Public
Citizen Complaint Form - Illicit Discharge
Information for Developers and Contractors
Ephrata Township Stormwater Maps
Ephrata Township MS4 DEP Permit Approval
2022 Ephrata Township MS4 Report
2021 Ephrata Township MS4 Report
2020 Ephrata Township MS4 Report
Cocalico Creek Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan - Executive Summary
Ephrata Township MS4 Program Information Sheet
Ephrata Township Stormwater Management Program