

02/13/2025 by Steve Sawyer

The Ephrata Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 7:00 A.M. at the Ephrata Township Municipal Building, 265 Akron Road, Ephrata, PA 17522.  If you need special assistance to attend this meeting, please contact the Township Office.
                                                                                                                                Steven A. Sawyer
                                                                                                                                Ephrata Township Manager
February 18, 2025 Agenda

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Zoning Hearing Board

01/29/2025 by Steve Sawyer

The Ephrata Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on February 18, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. at the Ephrata Township Municipal Building, 265 Akron Road, Ephrata, PA 17522.  Purpose of the hearing is to consider the following requests:
  1. A request for a Variance under Section 402.B of the Ephrata Township Zoning Ordinance to allow an apartment use and to the extent required, a variance from Section 402.D (parking requirements) and Section 402.C.1 (area and bulk requirements).  The applicant and property owner is LCW Holding LLC, c/o Landon Weaver, 610 Water Street, Ephrata PA.  The property is located at 237 East Fulton Street, Ephrata PA in the Residential Low Density Zoning District. 
  1. A request for a Special Exception under Section 406.B.2.d of the Ephrata Township Zoning Ordinance to allow a self-storage use and a request for a variance from Section 649 to allow the self-storage use to be accessed from a local road instead of a arterial or collector road.  If granted, the applicant seeks an extension of the deadline, pursuant to section 803.G, to obtain a permit and complete construction on the proposal.  The applicant and property owner is MCR Property Investments, Inc. c/o Craig Groff, 1244 E. Newport Road, Lititz, PA 17543.  The property is located at 521 W. Trout Run Road, Ephrata, PA in the Mixed Use (C-2) Zoning District.
If you need special assistance to attend this meeting, please contact the Township Office.
                                                       Ephrata Township Zoning Hearing Board

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Public Input Requested

09/18/2024 by Steve Sawyer

The Board of Supervisors is requesting input from residents and users of the Ephrata Township Community Park.  The Board is considering allowing the use of kayaks and canoes on the lake at the Ephrata Township Community Park in the spring of 2025.  All kayaks and canoes would have to be carried our carted from the parking lot to the lake.  A copy of the draft regulations can be found on the link below.  Please email your input and comments, including your name and address, to the Township at
                                                                                                                             Steve Sawyer
                                                                                                                             Ephrata Township Manager
Draft Regulations

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Sewer Information

04/22/2024 by Steve Sawyer

The flyer below is information on what residents should and should not flush in the toilet to prevent sewer backups and clogs. 


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Spotted Latternfly

05/01/2018 by


The Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (White), an invasive planthopper, has been discovered in Berks County, Pennsylvania. It is native to China, India, Vietnam, and introduced to Korea where it has become a major pest. This insect has the potential to greatly impact the grape, hops and logging industries. Early detection is vital for the protection of Pennsylvania businesses and agriculture.


Currently a quarantine is in place to stop the movement of this pest to new areas and to slow its spread within the quarantine. The quarantine affects a variety of plant, wood and stone products.  Surveys are currently underway to determine the complete spread of this pest in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Efforts are also underway to ensure the Spotted Lanternfly is not present in other parts of the commonwealth.

The following counties are currently under quarantine for Spotted Lanternfly:

Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery
Northampton, Philadelphia, Schuylkill  

The quarantine may be expanded to new areas as further detections of the Spotted Lanternfly are detected and confirmed. Intentional movement of the Spotted Lanternfly is expressly prohibited and is a serious offense. Violations could result in criminal or civil penalties and/or fines.

The quarantine restricts the movement of certain articles. If you are seeking to enter into a compliance agreement to be able to move these materials you can request a permit by contacting Dana Rhodes.  Industries and regulated articles under the quarantine that are not to be removed/moved to a new area are:

  • Any living stage of the Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula.  This includes egg masses, nymphs, and adults.
  • Brush, debris, bark, or yard waste
  • Landscaping, remodeling or construction waste
  • Logs, stumps, or any tree parts
  • Firewood of any species
  • Grapevines for decorative purposes or as nursery stock
  • Nursery stock
  • Crated materials
  • Outdoor household articles including recreational vehicles, lawn tractors and mowers, mower decks, grills, grill and furniture covers, tarps, mobile homes, tile, stone, deck boards, mobile fire pits, any associated equipment and trucks or vehicles not stored indoors.

Spotted Lanternfly - Pest Alert

Spotted Lanternfly - Look Before You Leave

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WERT Rail Trail

08/17/2015 by

Warwick to Ephrata Rail Trail 


WERT Brochure and Map

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New Floodplain Maps

03/19/2014 by Admin

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently released a Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate 
Map (FIRM) for Ephrata Township. The FIRM illustrates the extent of flood hazards in Ephrata Township and is 
used to determine who must buy flood insurance and the floodplain development regulations that apply in 
the flood risk zones depicted.


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12/31/1969 by

Fidelity contracting LLC will be completing a sewer extension project for CB Burkholder to extend public sewer from 11 West Mohler Church Road to their new contractor’s office and shop located at 880 North State Street, Ephrata PA.   In order to complete the sewer extension,  West Mohler Church Road and North State Street will be closed to through traffic.  The project will be completed in three phases.  Below is the anticipated road closure dates and times for the three phases as well as detour plans for each phase of the project.  At all times, residents will be able to access their driveways and the roads will be open to all emergency vehicles and mail traffic.

Phase 1 – West Mohler Church Road Closure

  • The contractor will begin work on West Mohler Church Road on Wednesday, July 5th.  West Mohler Church and the West Mohler Church Road is expected to be closed for one week between the hours of 7 AM and 7PM – Monday through Friday.  The road shall be temporarily restored with asphalt and reopened each day by 7 PM.
Phase 1 Detour Plan

Phase 2 – West Mohler Church Road and North State Street Intersection
  • When the contractor reaches the intersection of  West Mohler Church Road and North State Street (approximate date of July 12th) the intersection will be closed to all traffic in all directions between the hours of 7 AM and 7PM – Monday through Thursday.  The road shall be temporarily restored with asphalt and reopened each day by 7 PM.
Phase 2 Detour Plan

Phase 3 – North State Street Road Closure
  • After completion of the work in the West Mohler Church Road / North State Street Intersection, the intersection, North State Street will be closed south of the intersection for approximately two weeks between the hours of 7 AM and 7PM – Monday through Thursday.  The road shall be temporarily restored with asphalt and reopened each day by 7 PM.
Phase 3 Detour Plan
If you have any questions regarding the project or road closures, please contact the Township Office at 717-733-1044.

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12/31/1969 by

The Ephrata Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on February 18, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. at the Ephrata Township Municipal Building, 265 Akron Road, Ephrata, PA 17522.  Purpose of the hearing is to consider the following requests:
  1. A request for a Variance under Section 402.B of the Ephrata Township Zoning Ordinance to allow an apartment use and to the extent required, a variance from Section 402.D (parking requirements) and Section 402.C.1 (area and bulk requirements).  The applicant and property owner is LCW Holding LLC, c/o Landon Weaver, 610 Water Street, Ephrata PA.  The property is located at 237 East Fulton Street, Ephrata PA in the Residential Low Density Zoning District.
  1. A request for a Special Exception under Section 406.B.2.d of the Ephrata Township Zoning Ordinance to allow a self-storage use and a request for a variance from Section 649 to allow the self-storage use to be accessed from a local road instead of a arterial or collector road.  If granted, the applicant seeks an extension of the deadline, pursuant to section 803.G, to obtain a permit and complete construction on the proposal.  The applicant and property owner is MCR Property Investments, Inc. c/o Craig Groff, 1244 E. Newport Road, Lititz, PA 17543.  The property is located at 521 W. Trout Run Road, Ephrata, PA in the Mixed Use (C-2) Zoning District.
If you need special assistance to attend this meeting, please contact the Township Office.
                                                                                                                        Ephrata Township Zoning Hearing Board

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